Traveling within Mainz

We plan to provide tickets for the duration of the conference which will allow for travel within Mainz for an unlimited number of rides.

A walk from the main train station to the conference location takes about 30 minutes.

Single Ticket

A single ticket for a tram or bus ride between Mainz main train station and the conference location costs 2,05€. It can not be purchased in advance.

For more information:

Weekly tickets

The weekly ticket for Mainz (incl. Wiesbaden) costs 26,60€ and is valid for 7 consecutive days for any number of rides on regional public transport.

For more information:

If you plan to purchase a weekly ticket from Frankfurt Airport to Mainz you do not need to purchase another ticket for travel within Mainz.
For more information on a weekly ticket including Frankfurt Airport go to: Transportation -> Frankfurt Airport