Traveling between Mainz and Frankfurt Airport

For travel between Frankfurt Airport and Mainz we recommend taking a train. Unfortunately, the english version of the airport's website does not mention this option. The airport has two separate train stations, one for regional train traffiic and one for intercity train traffic. 

The most convenient connection is the train S8, which departs every 30 minutes from the regional train station of the airport. Tickets are explained below.

For more information on station and train names see the Glossary.

For information on train connections, the Deutsche Bahn gives the best overview:

Regional Trains

Single Ticket

A single ticket between Mainz and Frankfurt Airport costs 5,80€ and must be bought before the ride; it is  immediatly valid.

More information on tickets:

Weekly ticket

A weekly ticket is valid for 7 consecutive days and allows for travel in the indicated tariff zones for an unlimited amount of rides on public transport (S, RE, RB, bus, tram). A weekly ticket including Frankfurt Airport and Mainz (via Rüsselsheim) costs 44,00€. This includes the entirety of Mainz and Wiesbaden, but Frankfurt is excluded.

If you wish to buy this ticket, visit the ticket shop of RMV:

With this ticket you will need no additional tickets for travel within Mainz. There is a version of this ticket that does include Frankfurt ("via Frankfurt").

For more information:

Intercity Trains

Single tickets for intercity trains can be purchased in advance on Fares are currently at 16,60€ and subject to rise.