Workshops Festivalday 2

From ivory tower to open workshop: Can Open Science democratize science?

In this introductory lecture, we will explore the world of Open Science and how it is changing our scientific practices. Together, we will illuminate different facets of Open Science and its consequences and challenges for various interest groups. We will also discuss the limits of Open Science and call into question specific Open Science objectives.

Workshop leader: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Robert Reinecke, Geography, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

The beauty of data harmony - data management plans as an integral part of data management practices

One of the most important components of (research) data management is the data management plan (DMP). Various funding organisations, such as the German Research Foundation (DFG) and above all the European Commission, require a precise description of data management as part of a funding application. (Research) data management is no longer understood as the creation of a static research data management plan but as a process of active support and maintenance throughout the entire process of research or data curation.

Our workshop is aimed at newcomers from all communities, researchers as well as representatives of GLAM departments. It provides an introduction to research data management, the key role of DMPs and their benefits when working with data in any form.

The aim is to highlight the history and common misconceptions about DMPs and outline the key components against the backdrop of the data lifecycle. The Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) will be presented as an exemplary tool for creating templates for specific requirements. In two engaging parts, the audience will be invited to participate and interactively integrate what they have learnt into the bigger picture.

Workshop leaders: Dr. Yasmin Demerdash, data manager, Institute of Molecular Biology Mainz; Dr. Celia Krause, NFDI4Culture, Bildarchiv Foto Marburg; Sarah Wettermann, research data management SFB 1551, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Exploring scientific reading as a means to true Open Science

Science is information that should be usable by others. That is the idea that motivates the Open Science movement. We tend to overlook this in our role as producers of scientific information as we refine methodologies, upload datasets, and respond to reviewer comments. And yet the fact that science should be usable information becomes painfully clear the moment we position ourselves as users of that information. It is not uncommon to struggle to understand a paper we need for our own research. We wonder if we lack background knowledge, if our training is inadequate, or, in the darkest moments, if we’re simply too dumb to understand. The frequency of these experiences speaks to systemic problems in the information made available about scientific processes.
This workshop will use an Open Science perspective to address questions about exactly what information we need, how to organize it, and whether the information is complete by introducing:

1. cognitive tools for understanding the structure of scientific information (there is more to it than introduction, methods, results, etc.), 
2. methods for reconstructing scientific processes from available documentation, 
3. record-keeping strategies for keeping track of the literature for more effective integration into research.

We will begin with a brief presentation of Helio as a model that clearly and quickly explains the goals of the Open Science movement in contrast to the current scientific dissemination system. After this brief introduction, we will use the World Cafe method to focus more on the topic of scientific reading. We will discuss the different perspectives and challenges interactively and explore possible solutions.

We will close with a general discussion and the consolidation of results. The results of the workshop will be made available in a paper so that as many researchers as possible can benefit from them and implement Helio in their own work.

Workshop leaders: Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, Central Library, Research Center Jülich; Daniela Hausen, RWTH Aachen University Library; Ines Schmahl, Central Library, Research Center Jülich; Jochen Schirrwagen, RWTH Aachen University Library

Fostering transparency in research data: A workshop on error culture

In scientific research, genuine errors can be deemed inherent to the process, stemming from both the human factor and the intricacies of research activities. However, the absence of an appropriate error culture yields pervasive effects. Undetected or undisclosed errors in research data can not only influence the outcome of a single research project but also result in enduring negative consequences for future use.
The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is dedicated to establishing a framework for sharing FAIR data, emphasizing the necessity of ensuring high data quality. In this context, it is not sufficient to only provide the right tools and services. To alleviate the fear of sharing data requires a new approach to error culture in science.

This entry-level workshop will focus on specific actions to help mitigate these problems. It builds on a paper (currently in preparation) written in the context of the NFDI section Education and Training. The aim of the workshop is to harness the knowledge in the Open Science community, exploring ways to enhance transparency and emphasizing the positive aspects of identifying issues within data.

The workshop encourages participants (i) to share personal experiences with scientific errors, (ii) to collect tools and practices from Open Science for cultivating an appropriate error culture, (iii) to discuss the necessary stakeholders for building a better error culture, and (iv) to contemplate how to initiate discourse on the risks of inadequate error management. The focus is on fostering collaborative discussions and practical insights to improve how errors are addressed in science.

Workshop leaders: Bernhard Miller, Coordinator KonsortSWD within NFDI, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences; Johannes Vosskuhl, Research Data Management, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Workshop team: Dr. Felicitas Heßelmann, research associate, German Centre for higher education research and science studies; Dr. John David Jolliffe, NFDI4Chem, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Sandra Zänkert, Liaison Officer ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences

From raw data to valuable information: beginner workshop on OpenRefine

The use of open-source software plays a crucial role in the Open Science paradigm. In this hands-on workshop, participants will be introduced to working with the open-source software OpenRefine. This software enables researchers to easily prepare data for further analysis, even without knowledge of a programming language.

Participants will learn about the graphical user interface and functionalities of OpenRefine for use in everyday research activities. The various features will be presented, and participants will have the opportunity to immediately apply their newly acquired knowledge to a sample dataset.

The workshop follows the proven teaching concept of Data Carpentries, which aims to impart fundamental data skills. Although the course is primarily aimed at scholars from the humanities and cultural studies, participants from other research fields are also warmly welcomed. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to independently apply the tools and skills and efficiently prepare their own data in the future.

To save time, it is recommended that OpenRefine be installed on the participants' devices before the workshop begins.

Workshop leaders: Julia Tolksdorf, research associate University of Applied Science Mainz; Robert Zwick, research associate University of Applied Science Mainz

Workshop team: Golnaz Sarkar Farshi, research associate Philipps University Marburg

Open Science und Wissenschaftskommunikation (Deutsch)

Was haben Open Science und Wissenschaftskommunikation gemeinsam? Welche Ziele verfolgen sie und wo bilden sich vielleicht Synergien? Wie lassen sich offene Daten für Wissenschaftskommunikation verwenden? Wann braucht Open Science Kommunikation? Für wen kommunizieren wir? Und welche Herausforderungen gibt es dabei? Diesen Fragen wollen wir im Workshop gemeinsam nachgehen und erkunden, wie sich diese beiden wichtigen Themen verbinden lassen. Außerdem werfen wir einen Blick auf die Basics der Wissenschaftskommunikation, auf unterschiedliche Medien und Formate, sowie die Bedeutung von Zielgruppen und Evaluation.

Workshopleitende: Dr. Phyllis Mania, Referentin für Wissenschaftskommunikation Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Open Science - A criterion for excellence in research, a booster for international collaboration and careers, or just a tool to make research results accessible, transparent, and visible?

Already in 2017, the European Commission emphasized that Open Science should be embedded in the evaluation of researchers at all stages of their career. And since the launch of Horizon Europe in 2021, researchers seeking European research funding must address Open Science practices both as a criterion for excellence as well as a tool for implementation and impact generation. This requirement has posed practical challenges in some disciplines, particularly regarding costs and feasibility. Also acceptance of Open Access and Open Science remains low in disciplines that prioritize publishing in established journals with high impact factors and focusing relying on H-indexes and other publication-based metrics. Nevertheless, early sharing of research results and data is widely recognized as a catalyst for collaboration.

In recent years, the topic of Open Science as an assessment criterion for research performance has gained momentum across Europe. Many European and national funding institutions and also the universities have signed the agreement on advancing research assessment. This agreement acknowledges openness in research as a quality criterion and advocates for a shift from mainly quantitative to more qualitative performance indicators and peer review procedures. A survey by the FORTHEM Alliance among nine partner universities found that early-career academics particularly welcome this shift. But what do these new approaches mean for research institutions, universities, and their recruitment strategies, and how do they affect the comparability of researchers' CVs and career planning?
Together with experts from European FORTHEM universities we will focus on a couple of key questions partly based on recommendations developed by the FORTHEM Alliance:

1) Is Open Science a viable criterion for assessing research quality, and are researchers adequately trained in Open Science principles and tools? What mandatory training is needed, and do institutions require specific guidelines and incentives for Open Science?
2) How can the effectiveness of Open Science activities be measured, and can early-career researchers engage in these activities in case of a lack of institutional funding or poor recognition from supervisors?
3) How can Open Science practices boost careers, especially for early-career academics, and how can international careers be planned and compared during a period of transition between the established and new assessment systems, given the uneven acceptance of Open Science and for example narrative CVs, and the different speed in different countries in the implementation of a changed approach?

Workshop leader: Dr. Nicole Birkle, General Secretary FORTHEM Alliance

How to create open scientific illustrations

In this workshop we will cover how to create scientific illustrations according to the FAIR data principles. We will briefly cover some theoretical concepts such as licensing, graphics standards, and databases for illustrations.

Then, we'll work on creating our own illustrations in Inkscape and learn how to share them so that they are ready for reuse in teaching or academic work. The workshop is principally oriented towards life scientists and chemists but does not require any special knowledge.

If you would like to participate in this workshop, please bring your own laptop.

Workshop leader: Simon Dürr, Doctoral Assistant EPFL Lausanne

FAIR software management

Many research projects depend on software, and many researchers write software code, which itself is a part of their research findings. However, such software is often not very durable and can be difficult to reuse. For other types of data, strategic approaches are established within the framework of good research data management to ensure that these data comply with the FAIR principles. So, what does good management of software look like?

In this workshop, we will provide an overview of what research data management (RDM) means for software projects, which best practices help make software reusable, and how software code can be published. Various methods and concepts will be introduced. In a practical section, participants will have the opportunity to apply some of these best practices directly. Basic knowledge of a programming language is required. However, the workshop is also suitable for interested individuals who have just recently started working with code.

Workshop leader: Dr. Yvana Glasenapp, Research Data Management, Leibniz University Hannover; Dr. Elisavet Kanaki, Data Steward, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim, Holzminden, Göttingen; Anna-Karina Renziehausen, Research Data Management, Leibniz University Hannover

Erste Schritte mit Python - Wie lerne ich Scientific Programming? (Deutsch)

Egal ob Sie einen Einstieg in die praktische Anwendung von Python in der Wissenschaft suchen oder nur ein besseres Verständnis für die Möglichkeiten rund um Scientific Programming erwerben möchten, dieser Workshop ist ein niedrigschwelliges und kurzweiliges Angebot für Wissenschaftler:innen in jedem Alter und mit jedem fachlichen Hintergrund. Neugier genügt!

Dieser Workshop bietet eine kompakte Einführung in Python als einfach zu erlernende Sprache für wissenschaftliche Anwendungen. Er wendet sich an Einsteiger ohne jegliche Vorkenntnisse und alle, die nicht glauben, dass sie überhaupt eine Programmiersprache lernen können. Denn eigentlich braucht es nur einen guten Einstieg und die Möglichkeit auch zweimal nachfragen zu können. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf verständlichen Erklärungen anhand einfacher Beispiele zur nachhaltigen Vermittlung eines Grundverständnisses. Darüber hinaus beschäftigen wir uns mit weiterführenden Konzepten des Scientific Programmings wie Funktionen, Bibliotheken, Dokumentationen und Repositorien und ihrem Mehrwert für die Open Science Community. Daran anschließend schauen wir uns gemeinsam verschiedene kostenfreie Selbstlernangebote an, aus denen Teilnehmende die für sich passenden auswählen können.

Workshopleitender: Lennart Linde, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Hochschule Mainz

Open Education - zwischen Materialversorgung und University Citizenship (Deutsch)

Der Aufbau von OER-Portalen und die Förderung der Öffnung von digitalen Bildungsressourcen hat in den letzten Jahren auch in Deutschland zunehmend Fahrt aufgenommen. Im Hochschulbereich haben mittlerweile eine Reihe von Bundesländern sich der kompetenzentwickelnden, infrastrukturellen und der contentbezogenen Förderung von offenen Bildungsmaterialien zugewandt.
Auch das BMBF formulierte nach der ersten impulsgebenden Förderrichtlinie OERInfo (2017) eine OER-Strategie (2022) und bringt derzeit weitere Förderlinien auf den Weg. Auf einer länderübergreifenden Ebene haben sich zuständige Landeseinrichtungen unter Einbindung der zuständigen Landesministerien zu einem Kooperationsnetzwerk OER-förderlicher Infrastrukturen und Dienste zusammengeschlossen (KNOER, <>) und damit die in der KMK-Empfehlung zur Digitalisierung im Hochschulbereich (2019) nahe gelegte länderübergreifende Abstimmung auf eine verlässliche Basis gestellt. KNOER verfolgt dabei – u.a. in offenen thematischen Arbeitsgruppen bspw. zu Technik, Produktion, Qualität, Policy und Governance etc. – eine mehrdimensionale Zielsetzung der Beförderung von OER.

In der Bildungspraxis und in der OER-Fachcommunity werden aktuell Entwicklungen diskutiert, die eng mit dem Begriff der Open Education Practice in Zusammenhang stehen und einen tiefergehenden Blick auf die didaktischen Aspekte sowie Szenarien offener Bildung richten. Damit wird das Prozesshafte, das Kollaborative und das Fluide in den Mittelpunkt von Bildungsressourcen und didaktischer Designs gestellt. Zum einen entstehen dadurch innovative Lehr- und Lernkonzepte, die sowohl in das Hochschulinnere als auch im Sinne von Open Science aus den wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen nach außen wirken. Zum Zweiten vermögen sie einen Beitrag für die Zivilgesellschaft zu leisten, der mit dem Begriff des University Citizenship umschrieben werden kann und der gerade jetzt die Rolle der Hochschulen als Akteure der politischen Bildung einfordert.

Im Workshop werden die Teilnehmenden über den aktuellen Stand und die Erfahrungen mit Initiativen und Programmen der Beförderung von Ansätzen der offenen Bildung und offenen Bildungsressourcen, wie sie bspw. in OpenEdu-RLP, in ORCA.NRW als auch in KNOER gesammelt wurden, informiert (Kurzinput). In einem eher aktivierenden, diskutierenden und auf Dialog ausgerichteten Teil möchten die Referenten die Teilnehmenden auf eine kleine Reise durch aktuelle Fragestellungen, Szenarien sowie bildungspolitische Möglichkeiten und Grenzen offener Bildung mitnehmen.

Workshop leader: PD Dr. Markus Deimann, Vorstand KNOER; Dr. Konrad Faber, Vorstand KNOER, Geschäftsführer Virtueller Campus Rheinland-Pfalz

Science communication - How to empower? Strategy and practical tips

Join our workshop and explore the evolution of science communication. Learn about effective strategies, practical techniques for communicating complex scientific concepts and discover how to engage your audiences. Our goal is to empower you to become a more impactful science communicator.

Workshop leader: Dr. Patrick Honecker, Director Science Communication Centre TU Darmstadt; Mara Ludwig, Social Media Manager Science Communication Centre TU Darmstadt