Please submit your Abstracts by May 31.
Your submission should include two parts: A long Subtitle and a conference paper.
The long subtitle should clearly indicate the topic of your paper. It will be published on this homepage and the conference-program.
The paper should be 2,000 words or fewer in length (excluding references, tables, charts, graphs, and figures). References should be included (if applicable) at the end of the paper and are not included in the overall word count. You will be asked to affirm that your submission meets the policy regarding originality of submissions. To be considered for review, all six elements described below must be addressed in the paper even if the results, conclusions, or findings are not complete or final at the time of submission. The paper needs to address and provide reviewers with an understanding of the results and findings to date. The paper should deal explicitly with the following elements, preferably in this order:
1. Objectives or purposes
2. Perspective(s) or theoretical framework
3. Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry
4. Data sources, evidence, objects, or materials
5. Results and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for arguments/point of view
6. Scientific significance of the study or work
It is understood that theoretical or methodological papers will include information that is equivalent of element (4) for those genres of scholarly work.
Formal settings:
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 pt
Line spacing: Double space lines (for running text/for tables, single space lines may be used)
Margins: 1 inch / 2,54cm
Grouped style